Hey guys I had a question. Part of my car is already bare metal while parts of it still have the old paint of when it was first bought. Now im told to prime the bare metal part only but I'm not sure if that will really level out the surface of the car. Also, its almost impossible doing it that way for my car because the bare metal parts of the car are random so it would be impossible to mask it off and then only prime those parts. I was wondering if I could priming the entire car (so I would be priming the bare metal parts and the already painted parts) layer by layer that eventaully they would both become the same shade of the primer colour (which would tell me that they are now level). Will this idea work or does anyone have any other ideas/solutions on this one? Many thanks

P.S I did use a paint stripper (came in spray form) from my local Canadian tire (the only thing they had to strip paint) and it didn't work out that well. If anyone has used a certain product/chemical that worked amazingly, please do tell!

Last edited by ripthejacker; 04/27/08 06:41 PM.