
wow this is a good one with good info
I gotta read the entire post from start to finish before I paint my car
where do I start ????? there are 3 parts but where do I start from??? The begining

It is frightening how large this topic has gotten... but I really believe that it pays to read the thread from the start to finish. And yes... it is probably going to take a few hours out of your life.

But the time spent reading the evolution and experiences in this thread will save you time and frustrations when you actually get to the point where you are going to gather up the painting materials and start trying to do it.

If this thread could be considered the Bible of roller painting... then you can appreciate that like the real Bible you would be doing yourself a disservice if you only read the last pages of the real Bible and felt you could confidently answer questions about it.

The tidbits you pick up throughout the thread will help you deal and understand any eventualities that might occur during the process.

Sadly a lot of the questions that are surfacing in the later part of the thread were previously answered or addressed in depth earlier in the thread.

So things get a bit redundant and tiring when folks haven't read the pearls of wisdom posted earlier and jumped into the project with only a quick skimming of the concept and application for doing a roller job.

It might be almost worthwhile to give a reading of the July 2007 issue of Hot Rod magazine to get a quick overview of the entire process. That will help you to visualize and understand the sequences involved in the process. THEN read this entire thread to put some meat on that magazines skeleton...
