
Where did you mix the Brightside?
In the paint holder every time with each panel? Or mixed the whole can with 750ml paint ?

I used the mini-4"-plastic roller tray to make a batch. Normally, that amount of paint was enough for me to do one coat on the entire body of the car.

I would put the paint in the tray. Then add a little mineral spirit... and stir it up by rolling the roller back and forth in to it.


And is this also the paint you used?


That should match up nicely with the Brightside 'Fire Red'. I used the Tremclad 'Fire Red'... but I am not sure what the 'red' name is for the Rustoleum product. I didn't think it was called 'bright red'. But I do know that the Rustoleum product line and the Tremclad product line are identical colors ( since the same company owns both product brand names ).


this is a wiki about white spirit:

Seems to be the same as mineral spirit?

Absolutely nails it as being the very same thing. At the bottom of the white spirit topics, there is a cross reference to mineral spirits. And what you will find common to both is that they are both Stoddard solvent... So we all have now learned that 'white spirit' is the very same thing as 'mineral spirit'.


Last edited by Marq; 12/10/08 10:00 PM.