Just thought I would post some pics of my 1994 Mazda MX-3. I'm just wrapping up the paint job. Used Interlux Fire Red for paint, 10 coats. I wetsanded it and today I compounded it with Meguiars M105 Ultra Cut Compound via rotary buffer. I'll be at it again tomorrow applying Meguiars M03 Machine Glaze with the rotary. After that it'll get a coat of Liquid Glass Polish/Finish topped with Meguiars NXT. After all is said and done, I wish I would have sprayed it on instead of rolling. I may even go back later and spray another couple of coats on, just to fix my mistakes and give a more uniform finish. It's definatly better than what I started with, and i'm happy with what I accomplished, espesially for the money i've got in it. On to the pics...


After wetsanding + compounding