Fabulous Thread going here. I am anxious to try this method on my 1998 Black F-150. The roof really needs it. A buddy of mine is going to do this on his jeep. Anyhoo, I got some Rustoleum Professional Gloss Black enamal, low-oder mineral spirits and some rustoleum automobile spray primer. I also got some wet sand paper, a piece of scrap aluminum and(please don't laugh) the metal cone thing that keeps the squirrels from going up the bird feeder to practice on.

I sprayed a couple coats of primer on the cone, and only on half the aluminum bar to see if primer is really needed for bare metal spots. Wet sanded with 400 and it came out pretty smooth. I guesstimate my mineral spirits to paint mix was about 25-30%. I rollered it on with a high density foam roller and it looked awfully splotchy and bad coverage. Maybe I thinned it too much? It was pretty watery. I went over it with a 3" wide foam brush and it made it look much better. Should I have done that with the 3" brush?

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