That all was exactly what I was thinking. I just was curious if I needed to allow the paint to cure for so long before letting it take the chance in the elements. I don't mind an extra sanding session every weekend and considering that the boat paint sounds terribly promising on cutting down the number of coats, I may well jump into this. Don't mind if my car looks less than par in between the weekends anyway since it's not exactly A-class style at the moment anyway.
Still, once all is said and done, should I let the last coat cure for a while before driving it about? I would imagine an overnight setting then a final buffing. Should that then sit for a week or would it be good to go after another night setting?

Thanks so much for all the info, btw Marq. I noticed you've been an incredible help to so many already. Then again, makes me wonder if you have too much to do with so many very detailed replies.