toolbox - anything that uses a catylist in my opinion won't work, a hardner is a different story, they accellerate the drying time, but with single stage paints, including enamels and laq, the reducers used are specific to spraying and have very fast flash times, barley enough time to roller anything before it starts drying. Typically anything with a recoat time of <1 hour, or after 5 days uses a catylist.

One another note, i think it would be quite easy to mix the tremclad products (including the liquid/brush clear coat) with metalics, and there's no doubt it would work. I can see it now, about 10-15% mix of clear to paint, and some small metal flakes, that would be lighter than the paint and keep in a "suspended" state in the paint and not run out of the paint. That would work for sure, and the only expirementing would be with the ratios, but i can "feel" it now.!!!