Well I had some time this week and now that my cast is off and I'm a little more mobile it was time to give this a test shot.I had the materials from last year when I wanted to try this.

This is what i got so far after mixing (50/50) 1 part rustoleum paint to 1 part mineral spirits and using a 4" foam roller.1st pic is what I started with sanding lightly with 320 a little body filler and primed only where I did some work,2nd is after 2 coats and wet sanding with 600.3rd pic after 4 coats,sanded with 800 after,4th pic after 6 coats you can see the orange peel sanded with 1000 after.5th pic is where I made my mistake and didn't sand enough with 1000 grit.6th pic is sanded with 1500 and 2000 after 8 very thin coats,now it's starting to look like it was worth it,has a nice shine after wet sanding and before polishing.

Final 3 pics are after polishing using turtle wax polishing compound.1 of the pics with the polisher in it,I wanted to show a small area that hadn't been polished yet next to what was polished so you get the idea what it looks like.I know I can still get more shine with more polishing and a final wax coat.I am pretty pleased with the results and I know where I made my mistakes.Remember I really didn't do much prep work or it would look a lot better.I just wanted to see what it would look like if I paint my car this way without sanding down to metal.

I found it is very important not to get lazy when you wet sand.I was afraid I'd take to much off,and that's where the orange peel came in.So my last stages of sanding where brutal just to get it out.I know there's some still there,but that's ok since I know what to do now.