

Put down the first coat on the roof and hood.


The roller marks in this picture could be worked out by running different directions, and not so much pressure. You can put a bit more paint on it and work it longer until just before it gets tacky.

I work the paint more than most pictures I've seen...

When I put a coat on the vette, I must have went over the whole thing 5-7 times each coat, working it different directions until it stopped running and showing lines. You have to work it lightly.

- Just my 2 cents here.

The problem I found with that is the more times I go over the same spot with the roller, the harder it becomes to tip the paint with the brush after. I've gotten the best results as far as leveling is concerned by rolling on paint once then immediately tipping it with a foam brush. I know the brush marks look bad in that picture but the paint is actually very smooth. Also keep in mind that you are looking at the first of 3 coats. Basically whenever I over do it with the roller, I get orange peel which I think its much harder to get rid of than brush marks. I'm not saying this is a universal rule or anything. Just what I've experienced.

Last edited by tjts1; 07/26/07 11:29 AM.