
well, this is just a fun car but Im glad to be learning. I was thinking that the rougher the surface, the better the purchase or bond of the paint would be. I was noticing that the finish was a bit gritty but I will put in the elbow grease tomorrow and try to work it out a little more. Thanks for the help guys. Ill post up once I get the things settled out a bit more.

Very interesting car that you've got...I'm jealous that you got it for $300! You'll have to go very aggressive sanding the paint. Some of the gouges from the grit you used just look to deep from your pictures.

The sandpaper you used initially would have been ideal for prepping the metal for a skim coat of body filler. It was much to rough for any paint or even primer for that matter to level out without a ton of coats.

Try with the 600 like Marq suggested, but keep in mind that you may have to cut into the primer in some spots to get it smooth enough for the next coat.

I hope it turns out well for you! I applaud you for being able to buy such a unique car with the change found in your sofa!