I think my paint job is FUBAR-ed! I went ahead and sanded the hood with 1000g to find no shine and tons of fossilized bugs in the hardened paint.

Its sopposed to rain today so all I did was wetsand, no paint. this is how I uncovered the fossilized bugs. Theres somewhat of a shine but definitely not a keeper. What I don't get is that there is 6 layers and after sanding with 1000g to move onto coat 7, there is no shine. I mean right now I should technically be finished, right?
or maybe it was because of a thicker 6th coat that messed it up. can someone fill me in on how the final wet sand surface is supposed to look like?

well here are the FUBAR-ed pictures.

Sanded with 1000g after 6th coat

Closer shot

Fossilized bugs

Little to no shine

ouch! original paint showing!

Im not giving up yet. Help me out here guys