Well thats good news...both the fact that your car will be done soon AND the thread isn't dead...After reading and reading and reading and reading and reading and then reading some more I finally started my test panels and poof everyone dissapears for a week.

Question for anyone out there. As I wetsand I am finding burning through the edges is almost unavoidable. It seems for me that the only orange peel I am getting is of course right along the edges (about 1/2 inch leading up to the edge). So naturally I have to spend more time wet sanding in these areas. All flat or otherwise curved surfaces are coming out amazingly smooth. Any Tips?

2nd question...I'm painting a 95 ranger and there are two body lines that go the length of the test piece, one is recessed the other is a curved step up...see pics. Not real visable in the pics but I'm having a real hard time geting the foam roller to contour to these areas without leaving behind a smeared mess. I put pressure on it but it just smears; wont get into the area otherwise. I am approaching the top line with perpendicular strokes and that seems to be helping, but the bottom one is killing me. If I use a foam brush it looks like crap (are you using high density foam brushes or just those crappy grey ones?). Has anyone found an alternate applicator for real tight lines like these?

PS...junk fender...will not be used...rust be damned

Before Pic

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