Ok fellow rollers, I'm very intrigued about roller-ing my truck. It's a 1991 Jimmy, Full size, gold on black (currently). It's a west coast truck so it's rust free and the body on it is fairly straight. It's really straight for a '91. The truck will be very easy to pull apart, except for the top. It probably weighs 200lbs or better and it has never been removed. My question is this, I will be rolling it in my driveway as it's too tall to fit in the garage, would you guys recommend doing to top of the cab first since it will be the hardest? The paint will be going on in spring, as I don't want to fight rain and morning dew. I will be doing the truck in gloss black and as I learn, I may do so air brushed real flames in blue on the front. The nice thing about this paint, is if I screw up the flame job or just don't like it, I can redo the hood and fenders.

6243135-jimmy.jpg (119 downloads)
Last edited by 07RidgeRTL; 10/10/10 03:40 PM.