Heheh. Yeah, I guess it was like the birds flying into windows.
By the way, I rolled it with the short nap type, straight out of the can, and didn't have bubbles. I unwittingly "tipped' it with a brush, using a technique I refined as a high end fine furniture builder. I would put almost microscopicly thin layers of stain over sanding sealer, and have to even them out perfectly, by brushing so lighly, that it felt like the brush didn't touch the surface. It should be the same as what has been done here, but my goal is to put it on smooth enough to not have to sand at all.

I have a '93 Mazda mx-3 (similar to the Miata) that I'm going to paint brightside black. I'm going to try with just 2 brushes, using the technique mentioned, and let you know how it works.
And thanks, Steve. My passenger still got headaches once in a while, and I still get random pains... Being a professional acrobat doesn't help any.

Last edited by FowlJesse; 02/02/08 11:06 AM.