Thanks to everyone who has shared on these threads. I've read this thread up to page 60 of part II.

I'm running into a problem that I could use help with. I'm painting my motorcycle's gas tank and two side covers using this method with real mineral spirits & regular rustoleom.

I ran into the same issues others had with the paint being blotchy, too many bubbles etc. I fixed that by thinning out the mixture more.

I spent a great deal of time prepping all three pieces. I worked up to 500 grit before painting my first coat and everything was smooth using the finger touch test.

The last two times I've tried a first coat. The paint doesn't want to adhere to one of the side panels. On the 2nd one, it will mostly adhere and dry properly but there are some spots where it won't.

The places that it won't feel very tacky and will easily wipe off with mineral spirits while the gas tank and other side cover do not.

I went through this process before painting last time: used mineral spirits to clean off the old paint, sanded with 500 grit paper, washed the panel with some soap and water, let dry, wiped it down with mineral spirits, let dry, gently wiped with a tack cloth and then applied the paint.

Any ideas guys? This is the 2nd first coat I've had this problem with.