

So even though we have a farily large number of works in progress and finished here.. we may only be the tip of the iceberg of 'roller painters anonymous'

This 'roller' thing may be spreading even faster than we might have originally thought...

Its really amazing to think of how far this has gone. This has washed over the internet to the point that in a year or so your average Joe might not look at you cross-eyed when you say you are going to roller-paint your car.

And I think all of us originally had that "WHHAATT??" attitude when we heard about it.

One other thing that is also amazing is the "brand-neutral" attitude of everyone on these threads for 300+ pages. There's VERY few places that enthusiasts of any make and model can come together, show their ride, and not receive any bashing because they have a brand X or brand Y vehicle.

We all share a common goal and a common bond, regardless of the ride (or even refrigerator, going way back) that we are painting.

On a side note - my 70+ year old father-in-law (who lives in the boonies of northern Michigan) last week declared he was going to start roller painting stuff in general with "Boat Paint". "I heard you can just roll it on and it levels out and it dries hard, and looks like it was sprayed".

I about fell off my chair when he said that.

Roll On!

amen to that

i get on average about a kabillion (that's a new # that exceeds 10000000000000!!!) emails a day, and i answer all of them!!!. People add me on msn, and my photobucket acount maxes out every week, steady for the last year. I did a google search for "$50 paint job" and the results are huge, it's all over the net!!! You'd also be supprised of the number of local people that email me asking me to paint their cars, i get about 2 a week, all type of cars, i've even been offered several times to have my flight and accomondations paid for to paint other cars in the US!!!

I also get alot of people telling me that i should have made a dvd, and sold it online, and that i could have made a killing. But it's not why i shared this with all you guys, it's to help everyone out, and that there is allways a different way to get awesome results without having to spend huge $$$$ to get them. I do everything myself, interior, headliners, tranny's, engines, paint, everything i can to save $$$ and spend more on parts, and i drive the crap out of my cars.

I think it's cool to see all the brands of cars, i'm a car guy, not a mopar nut (sorry moparts ) but it's true, i like all cars (typically older ones). Heck i sold my charger, and i'm having a blast with my speedster, and my bug. But i can apprecieate all the other brands even though i may not own one, i still like talking to the owners about our old cars, how we brought them back from the dead, and saved another old car without breaking the wallet. There's nothing (at least to me) that's more gratifying than driving a car YOU built, and YOU painted down the road. Not a car you HAD painted for you, that does nothing for me.