Hello everyone. I've been reading this site for the last 4 weeks and feel I've got a pretty good handle on everything, but I just had one quick question before I begin testing on some panels.

I have a Makita Finishing sander . .
Makita Sander

Now its actually a wood sander, but I would think that it would do the job I need it to for removing the paint on the car. I have a lot of cracks and so forth all over the car and they need to be sanded down pretty good. Here's what I'm thinkin . .

1.) Wash the car with dish soap with no aloe/oil/etc.
2.) Grab Makita sander, throw some 150 grit on there and goto town. Sand down until I have gotten all the cracks leveled out somewhat.
3.) Use Rusto. primer (2 coats) to help fill the cracks.
4.) After that block sand the primer down again, this time using something like 250 to smooth it out. Then follow that up with some 400 again.
5.) Move on with the standard rolling instructions and so forth.

I've never done bodywork, but this site has given me a ton of info to work with. I'm sure I'll be posting some info/questions here myself. I'll be painting a 73' 240Z Brightside Gloss White. I hope mine can come out like yours!!!