I've kept coming back to this thread for a while now, and even though it's been relatively quiet, I keep chugging along. I remember quite a while back someone asked about color matching the color Autumn Bronze, and one of the admins said it couldn't be done. So, I took that as a challenge. Autumn Bronze is my favorite auto color in the Mopar library, and I thought...why in the heck do I have to settle for paint droplet experiments, or eyeballing paint chips and getting it wrong?

I posted an article that details a method I use to color match any auto paint to a Pantone paint code. I posted the thread in the Rolled On forums, which are a bit more active, but I wanted to post here, the father of the Rolled On Paint projects, too. The Pantone code can get you a clean, new paint chip of any auto paint color you want, no matter the year or auto manufacturer. Once you get that paint chip (cheaply) you can take it to ANY store that custom mixes any Rust Stop Acrylic Enamel paint, i.e. Ace Hardware, Sherwin Williams. And it links to a site that sells Acrylic Polyurethane topside paint in 200 colors, and custom color matching using...you guessed it..the Pantone Color code you provided. And price per quart is competitive with Brightside or Epifanes.


Last edited by Dave74; 08/15/13 04:15 PM.