
thank you very much marq, I was acctualy just wondering if I was going to have some sort of adhision problem. Like if I was going to get eliphant skinn or cracks. But you also gave me some very good advice as far as the color mixing. I almost forgot how the bottom layer of what ever your painting on tints the acctual paint job

IF you have prepared the body surface properly... there 'should' be no adhesion problems at all. Just take your time and allow enough time between coats. Since your base primer coat ( even with paint to tint mixed with the primer ) is going to be the foundation for the subsequent layers of 'just paint'.. be sure to really nail your primer coat or coats to the best that you can. Treat it just like a painted coat for wetsanding and surface smoothing prior to actually laying paint down on it. The smoother your primer coat, the better and shinier the subsequent painted coats will go on and look.
