Marq, you are truly Da Man.
If I ever see my PC again (bad power supply, followed by a bad motherboard, and now dead again...)I will be pleased to post photos. Using my work laptop for now.

I wet sanded it yesterday. Between dust nibs and some questionable brushwork I felt it was best to get it smooth again. I used 1200 grit. One of the things that concerns me is when I use the foam brush and 'tip' the bubbles I am getting ripples, sort of like brush strokes you'd see with a regular brush. I'm guessing this is because the paint is hardening before flowing out completely. Would you say I'd just need more solvent in my batch or does my technique need work? I'm using as light a pressure as possible on the brush to remove the bubbles. I'm not dipping the foam brush into anything or cleaning it, just using it as I go. On the 'end' of my batch I could feel the brush starting to drag, and I know what causes that.

I'm starting with the sides of the car. I will do the top, flat surfaces second in the second color (doing two-tone!). I've read that it's best to have the panels vertical but obviously can't do that with the roof. Any tips for getting best results up there? Thin the paint a bit more and plan on extra coats maybe? I do NOT want to sand and buff the final coat if possible as I don't think it ever gets as good of a gloss to it as straight application unless you really spend time on it, which I'm too lazy to do.