g'day, just wanted to share that i'm giving this poor mans method of painting a go!
i'm using an australian paint called white knight rust guard, which is pretty similar except it has some epoxy resins in it as well as alkyd resins. i'm going for an orange with some nice gt stripes in black if i can when i finish the orange!

here's the car before i touched her, she looks good from a distance but that paint was full of chips, cracking and major crows feet.

that vinyl roof and chrome strips down the doors had to go, lots of nice rust under them! heres the car all bogged, primed and sanded.

first coat, thinned wayyyyy too much by accident! got lots of bubbles that wouldn't go away and it ran like crazy!

here she is after the second coat, will sand her down smooth and get rid of all those bloody bubbles!