
Just the man I've been itching to ask. Aussie Driver, can I see a picture of your random orbital?

I just finished Interlux Brightside Black a few days ago. I am researching which machine to purchase. A detailer from a forum said I should buy a rotary polisher, they said they don't think a random orbital can remove all the wetsanding scratches. But I am curious since you have already experienced this perfectly with a random orbital + SSR2.5.

Please let me know what you can suggest or recommend.

I think the difference your other guy was referring to is a polisher vs. a buffer. You can get the random orbital buffers anywhere for about $25, but they don't do nearly the same job as a nice variable speed random orbital polisher that'll cost you $125.

You can get vairable speed rotary polishers for less than $125, but they are not random orbital so you have to be REALLY careful not to screw up your paint.

Although, I won't be surprised if Aussie was able to use a $25 buffer to get his gloss because he is THE MAN.