I just got in from the garage and I kid you not, I had 8 different groups of people stop by just to see the rolled paint on the vette. It was worth all $12 I got into it so far...

At work yesterday, I had to keep showing the co-workers the pictures on the computer. One of them just painted his son's Jeep and had $380 into the basic paint alone. He had to stop by yesterday to see this process. (I think I got him hooked for next time.)

Steve C, I was just on the HotRod.com web site and they had a non-roller paint guy complaining.

Quote from a post:

Quote from the non-roller:

"good paint job for $98" is an oxymoron."


And the reply:

"Think so? If you're ever in the L.A. area, stop by the shop and take a look.
You'd be surprised how many don't believe it was roller painted, and believe me this was an overly rushed job. It could be done much better.

Naysayers, please re-read the feature. Never once do we assert that this is a show-winning paint job, or one that looks like basecoat/clear. At best, it looks like 60's-70's era basic enamel. (But, I once paid $1500.00 buck for a professional acrylic enamel paint job.) Is it perfect? Not even close. Have I seen worse paint jobs that cost 40 times as much? Absolutely.

Why did we use a $200.00 Falcon? Because there were no plans to ever make the car worthy of a 2-$3000+ paint job (Sound like any of your projects?). Its tentative future was simply as a fun, economical little driver with minimal investment. It had rust, it was faded, heavily oxidized, cracked and peeling, and it didn’t match all over. Now, it’s a very respectable looking car that actually gets compliments and inspires people to share stories. Not bad for $25.00.

What’s the worst case scenario? If you don’t like it, just sand it off.

Anyone that wants to give it a shot and has questions is welcome to send me a PM. I’ll answer to the best of my abilities."

Christopher Campbell
Associate Editor
HOT ROD Magazine

I hope everyone is having as much fun rollin it on like I have.

He also e-mailed me:

Looks cool so far, I even like the unbuffed finish. I think it's great that you're getting your son out there and getting his hands dirty on his first car- he'll appreciate it much more when it's done. I should know, that's what my dad did with me.
Good luck with the paint job, just remember to keep a coat of wax on it and it should last just fine.

He is a pretty cool guy...

- Roadster

( http://forums.hotrod.com/70/1455267/general-topics/get-a-good-paint-job-for-98/page2.html )