The fun continues. The spray-on paint went on well, and seems to blend in quite well with the roll on paint. Now whether it will peel off prematurely, I don't know, but so far so good.

I actually like using the spray on paint for touching up areas where I sanded thru to the factory paint. Much more convenient, IMHO, to use the spay can for touch-ups.

One problem though is that I accidentally bought the Turtle Wax red Buffing Compound instead of the Polishing compound. That stuff is bad news for white paint job, it leaves a nasty red residue that seems like it's etched right into the paint. Any ideas on how to get rid of this red residue?

Also, I'm still having problems with the paint beading off areas where the factory paint is exposed. I'm having this with the spray on as well as roll on Rustoleum. It goes on OK, but after a few seconds it beads up into tiny beads about two millimeters across. Very frustrating. It's almost as if the body of my truck has some kind of static charge that's repelling the paint. Any ideas? Is this happening to anyone else?

It was about 95 degrees today, if that makes a difference, but it was still happening earlier when the temps were in the high 80's.