
On my second coat now and what I find strange is my first coat went on beautifully and now the second im having a few problems, when painting im getting streaks of paint coming of the edge of the roller, as if it builds up on one side and then falls out this doesnt fully dissapear no matter how much I roll over it after. So it leaves roller marks.

Also when I apply mineral spirits on the paint to try to help it level out it sometimes takes the paint straight off leaving a strange rough patch.

Anyone able to explain either? Ive been using 10% mineral spirits to the brightside (20ml mineal spirits, 180 brightside) also tried increasing the amount of mineral spirits to no avail.

This could be a one-two type problem....

One : the subsurface paint had not fully cured. If this is true... then the next coating would possibly have the effect of unsettling the lower surface paiint. Normally that would lead to an orange peel type effect. But if there was more paint being applied from the side of the roller, the 'edge is noticable' effect that you are mentioning would possibly be caused by the higher saturation or concentration of fresh paint/mineral spirits being left on the edges of the rollers.


Two : the roller was overloaded with paint. You may have to work the paint out of the roller when it is in the paint tray so that you can lay on a thinner layer for the subsequent build up of paint. If the roller is bleeding at the edge... you will just have to make sure that you give extra attention to working the paint out of the edges of the roller while loading it up in the paint tray. Basically just lay more pressure on the two edges while unloading paint in the tray.

Hopefully it is not a situation where there is so much paint in the tray that it is soaking into the middle of the roller where the metal shaft is. That could lead to a potential situation where paint could ooooze out from the ends of the roller. If so... you will just have to be quicker spotting the excess paint during the rolling and roll over to blend it in with the rest of the coatings. The handy second 'clean' roller might need to be put to use if the excess continues while you are trying to work out the excess with your painting roller.

So depending on the enviroment's temperature that you are working in the curing time ( where you wait between coatings ) may have to be lengthened in order to ensure that subsequent applications of coatings doesn't uncure the lower coating.

What seems odd is that under normal circumstances you can normally re-roll right away over the freshly laid coating of paint and 'work out' any imperfections left during the initial application of that coating.

Possibly you might keep a second 'clean' roller on hand to use only when you are re-working a spot where a run or edge-run happens...

Don't know if this helps... but those are my initial thoughts on hearing your problem.


Last edited by Marq; 05/21/07 07:07 PM.