Johnnyzoom - that car looks awesome.

I am ready to give up quickly though. I just spent 3 hrs sanding bubbled tremclad off my decklid which I had spent hours prepping -- was smooth as anything... then... not.

I found the more mineral spirits in the mix, the more bubbles appeared -- I've seen them disappear before, so I didn't panic too much, continued, and let it dry..

What an effing mess. I was all enthused at how my work underneath appeared seamless (especially with the glossy black paint on it) -- now, I still have a little more work to bring it down, and then a little more to bring it back to where I started before paint.

I dunno, I have another decklid, I might give spraying a chance -- couldn't seem to get a nice thin coat with the roller -- maybe doing something wrong there...

And how hard does this stuff get? Seems pretty soft to me.. can you add a hardner? At what point does it just make sense to shoot with epoxy, build, and finish.

I'm still going single stage no matter what -- figure that will be the most forgiving, easy to work with, and just plain old school looking anyway.

Stressed and messed...

Last edited by plum500; 06/05/07 08:50 PM.