Hey all. I hail from the Serious Explorations site.

These threads have been an awesome read. It took me a couple months reading on and off at work to get through all of the threads.

I don't know much about paint but has anyone thought about trying to roll on Dupli-Color Paint Shop paint? It's a automotive paint line from Dupli-Color but it's single stage made to be a DIY line. It's a lacquer paint so I don't know how well that would work. It's made to dry quickly so I don't know if it could be thinned enough or what you would thin it with to get it to lay smooth and not dry to quickly. If it could be made to work with rolling I think it would probably give great results. Unfortunately I couldn't find much info. about it on their site.

Last edited by briwayjones; 11/29/07 07:36 PM.