Wow what a fun morning it was!! I prepped the car with mineral spirits and my dad painted for me since he has more experience with rolling.

Anyway we didnt know how much we actually thinned the paint. We knew we couldnt go over 10% but anyway it didn't matter. We experimented along the way.

First coat was on the roof for experimentation. It had killer bubbles! during first rolling. I was like w t h what is going on. I knew it probably needed more mineral spirits. So we add accordingly until it came out like water. I sensed my dad was rolling up the roller with tooo much paint at first because it showed. But he got the hang of it later on and used little as possible.

I will post up pics in a few minutes. BTW: I HATE DUST! We rolled it outside in the morning, it wasn't too windy. But by the time we were finished, dust stuck on to the paint...argh!