
I just got a call from a guy I met at the swap meet today. He wants to paint his car now. it's like a virus! Everyone comes over, looks at the paint, then their friends want to come over and see it. Not one believes it was rolled...until I show them the pictures and a video of the kid rolling the t-tops. Kind of funny!

Hey Charger69, I saw a Harley (orange and black)painted truck today. The orange was sure looking close to that VW of yours. How close do you think the Rustoleum orange is to the Harley orange color?

"If you can see the imperfections, your to close"

the orange, both tremclad and rustoleum are the same color from what i've seen, but it's really close to "hemi" orange, almost identical. But orange is a funny color to take pic of, it's funny, even with a high end camera, you can take pics 1 after another, and the 2 pics look different in color. But like Marq said, you could eaisly espirement with mixing colors and once you get the ratio's down, i'm sure you could get the exact color you want.