
do i have to sand to bare metal?

No, just down to smooth or past whatever is causing your paint rejection. Looks like you are pretty much there. Run your fingers over the surface where the color changes. If you can feel a difference, sand some more, it needs to be smooth. Your sense of touch can be sharper than your eyes when it comes to this. Also, 220 can be quite aggressive so look out for sanding marks. Use the 600 grit to smooth out any.

When you lay down the first coat, remember, thin coats. Not just in the paint consistency but the amount applied to the surface. Squeeze out the roller in the pan and just moisten the surface with the paint. It will look like crap, the magic happens with multiple coats. Use the picture gus posted earlier of the charger fender as your guide.

If it beads up or shows any other signs of rejection, stop painting and try to find out what the problem is. No sense putting good paint on a bad surface.

If you do have to backtrack, a layer you just put down is relatively easy to remove with MS and a rag if you can get it before it sets, and it beats sanding.

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