Just an update.

My paint still has not arrived (top secret TS-100), but it should be here anyday. In the meantime, I have been gathering supplies and prepping my garage area. I swept it out and lined the ceiling and the walls with plastic. I have a dehumidifier in the painting are so I wont have to worry about humidity. The plan is to lightly mist all the plastic and the floor with water before painting. Hopefully this will eliminate a lot of dust.

Also, I went to the auto body store today to get some filler. The guy working there was very helpful. He said that they have some single stage auto paint (urethane) that could be mixed to almost any color. It was about the same price as the top secret paint (~$30/qt). If the top secret doesnt work out, I'll probably go this route.

One thing I was not sure about. He said that if he were painting my car, he would just wetsand with 600 since the body was pretty slick, then paint. I was under the impression that the paint needed more to "bite" on to. Also, he said that it would not be a problem to apply filler over the paint. Just rough up the problem area with 80 grit, apply filler, etc. Is this ok?

I plan on starting body prep this week. I already have some rocker panel covers prepped. So as soon as I get the paint on those I'll get some pics.