ok folks I have been following this post for a LONGGGGG time & have reread it over & over & maybe I missed something so I'll just ask..

How many of you folks that have painted thier cars/trucks this way???? I know it a lot but let me know anyway..
Do you use them for daily drivers????
Do you leave them outside????
&&&&& how long have they been painted??????
Just asking the questions that anyone would want to know before jumping on a project like this, PLUS w/the info I might be able to shut the nay-sayers up a little..

I'm asking because this post is on several other forums I belong to & most of the replies about it has been positive(yet surprized) because it's a inexpensive way to get what seems a decent paint job. Even if it is put on w/a roller. But I will admit there are some of those(the forum is easy to find)that thinks its plain BS & say why would anyone waste thier time to paint a car/truck w/rustoleum (type)paint. Along w/saying that a car/truck should ONLY be painted w/automotive paints. Which is an oxymoron to me because correct me if I'm wrong BUT isn't(or was) Enamel used in the automotive field to paint cars/trucks????

&&&&&&&&&&& I'll be honest w/you folks I thought it was total BS myself untill I read about other folks on other forums using this method w/success & I'm thinking about using it on my own project mainly because I'm a cheap SOB and have more time then $$$$$$ to do it. Thanks for any info you can give & thanks for inspiring me to continue to be the cheap SOB that I am.........joe