I've been following this topic for an extremely long time. I did a lawnmower hood over a year ago, ended up rushing it and by 3 coats it was completely covered and was orange peeled like crazy.

I've learnt a lot more since then and I've started doing my own bodywork. I'm about to start painting my 74 Nova SS and I'm using the old hood I had on it as a test piece.

I'm using Tremclad Dark Blue.

1st Coat(too thick. I wetsanded it down before continuing)

1st Coat Wetsanded:

2nd Coat:

The lighting really worked out well in the picture of the second coat. That's the colour it actually looks like. The pictures of the first coat turned out way lighter then they actually were.

Whole tremclad experience will be followed by pictures here:
I have the fullsize shots in there @ 3mpixels.

BTW, I wetsanded using soapy water with 400 grit paper to knock down the extra thick 1st layer. I'm planning on using 600 from now on. 400 Cut's through overdone paint pretty easy. I wouldn't consider using it after the 2nd coat.

I found the best way to mix the paint is "Thin it as much as your comefortable with then thin it some more." I was way to heavy the first time and probably could have thinned some more on the second. I never took a close up yet but you still can see the primer underneath through the 2nd coat.

Last edited by topdogger; 10/02/07 09:52 PM.