
question when mixing the mineral spirits do i mix in paint can or pour both into a seperate container and mix...

also around how many rollers do i need? 1 per coat so they dont dry out or what?

You should pour the paint and mineral spirit into a separate container. ONLY mix as much paint as you need to do one coating of the body. On average it takes about 1/3 of a quart of paint to do one layer on a car body. At our local 'Dollar Store'... I was able to buy 4" X 12" paint trays ( made in black plastic ) at 2 for $1. I bought a dozen of those cheapo paint trays and would pour the paint into the tray, add the mineral spirit... and then blend the two together in the tray.

Rollers... figure on one roller per coat. You can go with two rollers per coat IF you are using one to do the actual paint rolling AND the second clean roller for going over the freshly rolled paint to pop bubbles. IF you seal up a roller between coats in an airtight baggie... you might be able to squeek an extra coat or two out of a roller. But since they are so cheap... splurge and don't go scrooge on rollers


Last edited by Marq; 08/08/07 10:39 PM.