Hey all, new here because of this thread. I've read almost every single page and I absolutely love everyone's work! Awesome cars and paint jobs. You all have given me hope that I can pull this off.

I do have a few questions, if I may:

1)Where can I find Brightside paints in Ohio, if anyone knows?

2)Is brightside paint superior to Rustoleum Professional?

3)I have a white car, and am debating doing black. Looking it over, there are a ton of rubber seals - do I just tape those off and paint? Won't the white show a bit next to those seals? Or do I just need to get my tape PERFECT and it will fix that issue? This is a big one for me, and I'm leaning to just doing white to make it easy.

4)My wheels are painted white right now, will these paints be safe to paint on the wheels? I seem to recall reading it's not a good idea, is that true? If I can't paint them, then that makes my color choice easy and I'll stick with white.

Thanks in advance!
