Hi guys,

i too am another long time lurker of this thread and its taken me quite a while to purswade myself to be brave and try this paint job!

i found the site from honda-tech.com and im really impressed with the paint jobs i have seen. im going to be painting a honda civic hatchback!

just wanted to post some pics and get some reactions from you guys.


first couple of coats

Few more Coats!

Few more coats!

and where i am now.

wondering if could get some comments on the test peice. im using brightside snow white. to me it dosent look as glossy as other photos i have seen. those last photos are drying photos taken inside in low light.

ive been rolling thin layers sanding loads off and have very little orange peel. just worried about the lack of gloss ive got. ive seen previous users on here saying about the gloss they have got from coat one. but im on coat 12 or so and still dont have much gloss!

the color covderage is very slow for me as i was going from navy blue to white. my actual car is red so im going to be using some prekote primer.

any critique welcome!

thanks guys,