Final results, using approximately 10 coats of Rustoluem Gloss White and wet sanding every two coats (see below). The picture is a spot between my driver side door and the back of the cab of my truck.

I have a few areas where I was able to get a fairly smooth finish, but they were kinda random. My roof and hood have both smooth and rough areas. This picture though is typical of the problems I experienced with every single coat I applied.

I would get deep pits that looked similar to acne scars, that went almost all the way down to the factory paint. Sanding them down smooth would reveal the factory coat in many spots. Then trying to fill in these spot where I sanded through would start the whole process all over again, Very frustrating.So I just left many rough areas alone, for fear of burning through to the factory paint once again.

So I'm glad some people had success using this method. I was not one of them. I'm somewhat happy with my results after buffing and waxing, but the process did not go anywhere near as "smooth" as I had hoped. I wound up with a "10 foot paint job". It looks good as long as you stay at least 10feet away.

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Last edited by Peckinpah; 09/02/09 03:55 PM.