
Marq thanks for the advice!

Would you wet sand (or dry sand) 800 grit? I've been wet sanding lightly every 2 coats so it's due for a sanding really. My first wet sand was 600 grit.

I would be tempted to wet hand sand at 800 grit at this point. You will be able to judge how smooth things are going as you rinse off the debris or sludge during the wet sanding.

Also... I find that when you are wetsanding your hands can begin to automatically detect when you have things nicely smoothed by how easily the sandpaper glides over the wet surface.

It is sort of like driving a car and once you reach a certain speed... you don't bother looking at your speedometer because you are judging your speed by the sound of your exhaust...

I guess with this roller project that is where it becomes very Star Wars like... " let yourself feel the force... let it become you... and the force will be with you ". Same goes for wet sanding the orange peel at this particulr point in your project...


Last edited by Marq; 06/18/07 02:14 PM.