Marq, I have a question about your comments about primers. What kind of primer would you recommend for doing the bodywork? I'm removing the emblems and filling in the holes on my 86 Ram and (after welding and grinding) I'm using a thin coat of bondo to smooth it out. (I know, people are going to recommend avoiding bondo, but I've used it before and it works.) I've done one fender I have off the truck to replace the cancerous one on the truck and so far I've used the spray bomb rusto primer. Would I do better rolling the primer on for this or is the spray better for bodywork? I've got some other minor bodywork to do around the rest of the truck, but I was going to roll on a couple coats of primer over the whole truck before painting. I was just wondering if the roll on primer would stick to the sprayed on primer after it had been wet sanded. Thanks.