
It will be interesting to see how long these low buck paint jobs last after a couple years of exposure to the sun and weather. This is what separates the cheap paint from the more expensive automotive paint.

We have proof that these "low buck" paint jobs are still shiny after 2 years from members on the board, but we all know that their cheap paint will chalk up and fall off any day now.

And, if it doesn't fade and fall off, its only because the owners practice an ancient form of sorcery called *gasp* polishing and waxing! Some of these liars even say they enjoy practicing this waxing witchcraft! They are truly mad.

I won't even get into the hassle of finding a reputable shop that will do an honest job prepping and spraying a 5' paint job for under $6,ooo.
...Or the months it will take for them to finish,
...or the hassle of inspecting to make sure they did what they said they would,
...or the HORROR after three or four months when that spray job cures and all of the sanding marks from the poor bodywork magically become visible, and there is nothing you can do because it is UNDER the clear.

BTDT. Hey, what did you expect for $4000, Ya know, real paint jobs can run twice that... and life goes on.

Some of us have opted out of that roller coaster of happiness.

...And have found peace and contentment is as easy to attain as a 4" foam roller - longevity of the finish be darned.

Roll today, for tomorrow is not guaranteed...

Last edited by 69DartGT; 06/26/08 10:47 PM.