

Words of advice.

I'm putting on the 8th and final coat and for some reason parts that looked good before looked hazed now. Argh!! I shouldn't have messed around with it already looking nice.

Ah well then, I will wait and see what happens. Hopefully buffing can bring a shine back. If not I will get another small quart or pint later on down the road...

A slight hazing is not necessarily a bad thing. It is on the outer surface. After all... when you do your final wet sanding... the entire surface is going to take on a less than glossy / shiny look. It will then be the job of the rubbing compound, polishing and subsequent waxing that is going to give you your long term shine and gloss.


Hey Marq thanks for the words of encouragement! Today wasn't our day I suppose. My dad was the one doing to rolling as usual. We woke up @ 6AM to complete this.

Let me explain something. This would be technically the 2nd coat after my planned "final wetsanding stage" where I sanded down from 800 and then 2000 grit.

The 1st coat that went on top after wetsanding was my 7th coat. I should have left it alone, I really should have. The car was nice and even in most spots, AND most importantly it was glossy when dried and had little hazed spots.

The biggest thing after that 1st coat after final sanding was there was less pronounced orange peel. You know the rimply peel effect? It was there but wasn't too bad, it was a very thin layer, 1 layer thats all, it looked good.

After our 2nd coat today, that rimply orange peel look has been magnafied more than last coat. I can tell with my own eyes.

Today my roof was glossy in one half, and the other half was hazed and can see lines.

I told my dad "thats okay we will fix it TOMORROW". I said "lets go inside, don't worry fix it tomorrow". So I went inside our home. Big mistake! I went to grab something to eat and then went back to the garage and saw him still there, he was fixing up one small part. I told him again, "you still there, don't worry lets fix it up tomorrow Dad". I ended telling him the third and final time because he kept on doing something...

I go inside the garage the 3rd time and he tells me he accidently mixed up the old mineral spirits we had in a similar 4L jug and then he poured it into the newer mineral spirit jug we were using...

Darnit! Things are getting worse by the minute.

You know what else I notice? My dad tried to fix up the roof when I told him tomorrow! The roof is soo messed up now. He loaded up the paint for some odd reason. He did the whole roof like that when all we had to do is one portion that was bad. The other half was fine and lovely. He loaded up the paint!! And you can see the straight lines from the end of the roller and some drips!! OMG.

Bah. I will just have to live with it because I don't he wants to wetsand anymore.

Tomorrow we just have to fix up the bumper and the hood. God help us, hopefully nothing else will go wrong.