
Do you guys think I can sand down with 2000 grit a couple of hours later? Its dry right now. Finished painting @ 12AM, and plan to sand at 7PM.

I should be fine right?

BTW: I'm gonna read up more in these series of threads to see what I can learn and do better about mixtures.

sup bro JDM BALLS from h-t here lol.. anyway with the orange peel u have on that coat 2000 isnt gonna do anythign for you, u should wetsand that with 600 or 800 to cut it down fast. u want to use 2000 only ON your final coat, before u polish.

did u finish painting at 12am midnight or did u mean 12pm noon lol.. if u meant midnight then 7pm should be ok, if u meant noon then no i would wait till the next day.

and yes, before every coat, wipe down with mineral spirits. it removes any oil from ur hands and any residue that might be left, just make sure u wait till its completely evaporated b4 painting. a good idea also is to keep a tack cloth handy and wipe each panel right b4 u paint it, to pick up any dust that might have landed.