
One of the things that concerns me is when I use the foam brush and 'tip' the bubbles I am getting ripples, sort of like brush strokes you'd see with a regular brush. I'm guessing this is because the paint is hardening before flowing out completely.


My first thought would be to add a touch more mineral spirit to make it a bit wetter. The one thing you did not mention is the temperatures you are working in. The hotter the temperature the quicker the paint will try to cure or at least form a skin.

What I was doing at one point was doing my rolling at 5:30 in the morning at 11:00 at night. I found the early morning roller job worked out better for me because the overall surface temperature of the body was relatively cool.

The 11:00 at night also was fairly successful, because the car body would have begun cooling down from the day time temperatures it had picked up.

So if the simple addition of some more mineral spirits doesn't help to gain the time needed for the paint to fully self level, then give a try to an early morning session to see if you get better results.