

Applied 2nd coat. I applied the paint to a hot surface. It was so hot, steam was rising from the paint, lol. Not to sure if this was a smart thing to do. but the paint was still workable.

Dude - If the surface temp of your hood is that hot you are just asking for more problems. It would be a shame to start all over and then have a completely different set of new issues.

I can't imaging you'll get consistent leveling if its that hot. That may not show up on the coat you just did - but it probably will by the time you are on a 3rd or 4th coat.

If you really can't do this indoors somewhere (and I know you said before that you can't) you should really think about that other guy's suggestion about a tarp and some 2x4's or aluminum poles or something.

Buy a 15x15 tarp, and maybe four or six 2" PVC pipes and some rope, and make a tent.

Well the surface only began to steam after I spread out the paint. When it was thin enough then it would start to steam. in any case it does make sense that it wouldnt flatten out correctly. But as of right now, its pretty flat. even to the touch.

Im finally going to end up making a tent out of PVC and tarp if that doesnt work out, ill end up buying that medium portable tent from Harbor Freight.

ME = 0
Mother Nature = 1