Ok, lesson learned, but first thanks for the advice on the gloss white paint issue. As I was reading this thread and taking it all in before I started, I remembered lots of people saying to make sure your working in a VERY well lit area. I used to own an aquarium shop and had some metal halide lights stored away. I figured this would be the perfect light source for me to use while painting as I'm painting in a climate controled garage and no outside. WRONG idea.. I pulled the car out of the garage today to take a closer look and the paint looks flawless no scratches no discoloration at all. Metal halide lights are literally brighter than the sun and 10k spectrum will make you go batty if your using them to identify blemishes. Sure there are scratches but none of the problems I listed in the earlier post show up in any other kind of light at all. I figure no one else probably has metal halides but if you do, a little fyi. DON'T inspect your buffing job with them!! I am going to continue on to the rest of the car as the paint looks great. I'll post some pics of the completed project in a couple of weeks. Thanks again guys, it's always nice to see such good folks willing to help.