
One thing to remember that is an "oil based" primer so when we use that type you are limited to using Rustoleum type paints over it.
Not a big deal.

Sorry not true, I use Rustoleum/Tremclad primer all the time, sprayed on reduced with enamel redcuer up to 50%.
This takes a bout 10 days to 2 weeks to fully cure, and often is fine in 7 days.
To date, I have used all fillers over it, 2 k urethane primers, epoxy primers, acrylic enamel paint, etc.
Tremclad primer is a dream to sand, blocks very nicely. The thing when you reduce it with automoitve enamel redcuer, it dries faster and harder, this is stuff(medium speed automotive enamel reducer) is mostly xylene and toluene.
I am not trying to be a no it all, but this is my experience.
If rusto primer is laid on thick with a roller or brush, it will need a long time for full cure, once this happens, anything can be laid on it, this primer has super adhesion, and good corrosion protection.
I have taken a rag soaked in lacquer thinner and wiped panels that have been primed with Tremclad, with zero effect on the primer.
The secret is to have a fully cured primer, then you are in business.
I also use Tremclad quite often gloss black mixed with medium speed reducer, and gloss hardener, when sprayed the result is a super shiny, super smooth, tough hard finish, muc like acrylic enamel...............