little update...just to get a feel for the brightside i painted an empty 2 liter of pop, after about 24hrs though it was still slightly tacky. Has any one els experienced that?? so i put it next you one of those small cheap space heaters and the tack went away and got nice and hard, it's been another 24hrs since then (at normal temp, was only by the heater for an hour or so) and its hard like glass! To test it's polishability i scuffed part of the surface with a 3M scuffing pad, and used 3M rubbing compound and then 3M swirl remover and it had a beautiful shine equal to its natural gloss. Looks like the paints still wet....and it was so easy to polish too, almost like this piant wants to shine lol, i can honestly say i've never been this impressed with any hand applied paint as much as i've been with brightside, it shines like glass and is rock hard. Can't want to get this stuff on my car

Last edited by 79camaro; 05/24/08 03:03 AM.