I'm still in the process of rolling my car. However, I decided that I will no longer roll Rustoleum paint on my car. I am sticking with Brightside from now on (I also have Rustoleum Pro and Marine Coating paint).

I'm pretty messy when I clean up after painting a layer on my car. I usually end up getting Rustoleum all over my gloves after pulling the foam rollers off the handles. I then end up touching my garage door and getting black paint all over it. So I figured I'd try and find a solvent that would loosen the Rustoleum on contact. It turns out I have found the very product that does this. I had a spray can of Carburator and choke cleaner, which, when sprayed onto Rustoleum paint, cracks the paint and makes it immediately lose adhesion to whatever surface it's on.

I tried spraying the carb & choke cleaner on my brightside topcoat, and it does nothing to the paint. whew, good stuff. It also does nothing to the single stage earl scheib paint that is currently on my car. However, I have both Rustoleum Professional and Marine Coating paint, and the Carb/Choke cleaner immediately cuts through the paint without any problem at all. There's no telling what else will remove Rustoleum paint, but what I do know is that a topcoat of Brightside will protect the underlying Rustoleum paint from damage. I have about 8 layers of Rustoleum on my trunk, and it is topcoated with Brightside. It was sprayed with Carb/choke cleaner, and the Brightside created an impermeable layer between the spray and the Rustoleum. The Brightside also stood up to the spray--it looked exactly the same before/after being sprayed with carb/choke cleaner.

Last edited by worldcrafter; 06/12/07 02:11 PM.