old blue,

is your whole truck ocean blue? the whole truck looks to be one color. i think im liking the way ocean blue is looking. i think itd suit my rx7 nicely. the color it is now, and was from the factor, is ocean blue. its just looks different. thanks so much for the link. you have helped me immensely.

marq- i understand what youre saying. ive looked on the interlux website for local dealers. what i plan on doing is going to one and seeing what they have to offer me to see color variations. id rather see it in person than on a computer screen. although, i just got my brand new laptop in that i just ordered for college. its got all teh goodies and set me back a good $$$. maybe i should take it out of the box and see if the colors is shows varies from what i see on my current screen.

thanks for everyones input and advice.

i just received an email back from interlux. theyre sending me a paint color card so i can see it in person rather than through a computer screen. they assure me the card is VERY accurate. now i just need to decide how many quarts i need.