
good point Marq ! (BTW - Thanks for all of your posts ! Like many others I started reading the whole thread and when I finally finished it, it was obvious to me who the big contributors have been all along, have a lot of respect for you, Exit, Aussie and of course Charger)

Look into my eyes... look deeply into my eyes... you are beginning to feel sleepy from inhaling paint fumes. Your eye lids are getting heavy as you are falling deeper and deeper in to sleep. When I count to three you will wake up... and immediately sign the pink slip of the blue Cobra over to me for no charge... ONE.... TWO.... three...

Thanks for the kind words. I try to do my part

three.. !
Three.. !!
THREE... !!! Whats a matter.. can't you hear me...

Darn.. it didn't work.... ;(



Last edited by Marq; 08/28/07 12:18 AM.